It was a very quiet convention - at least it was inside the Crowne Plaza hotel. Outside was the Glasgow River Festival, so there were many thousands of Glaswegians wandering up and down either side of the Clyde by the SECC. Satellite 2 was chiefly confined to the rear entrance / bar area of the hotel (the one that looks onto the Armadillo's rear, for those who know the SECC).
Highlights of the weekend included...
... meeting up with the usual suspects; an interesting presentation on the Apollo Guidance Computer by Frank O'Brien - he has a book out on the subject early next year, so that's gone on the wants list (unfortunately I missed the other panel items about Apollo); six-year-old Emma Steel saying in the dealers room, "I like books but I can't read"; the discussion about the Puffer Fish Chain Gun on the Saturday evening; discussing NewSpace with Charlie Stross; being present when Mike Cobley was asked to sign a copy of his Seeds of Earth
Satellite 2 was an unusual con for me on two counts. I spent more money getting there than I did at the con. And my bag was lighter coming home than it had been going to the con. Well, it was a small con, and the dealers' room reflected that. In other words, I didn't buy anything.
In all, a good weekend. Many thanks to the redoubtable Steels for putting me up. The con programming was an interesting mix, and I wish I'd managed to attend more items. That may usually be the case after a con, but there were more I'm sorry I missed at Satellite 2 than at an eastercon. If there's a Satellite 3, then I'd seriously consider going.
It didn't stop Emma putting dids in at the book auction...
Doh! Typo!
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